Integrative Functional Medicine


Meet the Team

  • Dr. Emily Anne McDonald, MD


    Passionate about Integrative and Environmental approaches to Women’s Health, preventing disease, and improving affordability and accessibility of holistic medicine.

  • Dr. Stephenie Pisacano, ND


    Dedicated to building foundations of health through evidence based natural therapies.

Designing for Health

  • Centralize

    Thorough assessment of all medical information including lab results, imaging, pathology reports, endoscopic evaluations, and more

  • Analyze

    Identify trends and patterns in the medical data and correlate with subjective feelings and intuitive impressions

  • Reflect

    Refine the health vision and values into focus and tailor a strategy to meet goals and needs

  • Implement

    Choose areas of focus to make changes or observe more carefully between sessions

Personalized Care

With an MD and an ND at the helm, get ready for one of the most in-depth conversations that you’ve had about you and your health - all details are relevant and important. At Tulsi Vis, we apply the principles of lifestyle medicine, naturopathic medicine, and functional medicine to support our tailored, preventive protocols.

Optimizing your health becomes a way of life that is empowering and inspiring. If you’re ready to starting working together, you can book your first appointment today.

Docere Education

The doctor will teach.

Upcoming Webinars and Events